As a marketer, it’s essential that you prioritize BULK SMS marketing to get the best possible returns on your ad spend for each campaign.

The digital space is crowded. Consumers are becoming absorbed into online advertising — no matter how dynamic and creative. It’s for this reason that best SMS (Short Message Service), also known as text message marketing, has unique advantages. Short links in your best SMS are pretty good to use, but branded short links are even better. By sending branded links in your messages, you can increase your brand messaging and awareness with every text message — bringing a whole new level to your campaigns.

Links that include your company name in the URL can deepen the connection between you and your customers. It improves their user experience with you, and in turn, builds trust and engagement. Short links with real words feel less like spam, and customers can see exactly where the link will take them. This assists people to take the next step and click on the link in their best Bulk SMS.

Generic short links can look like a scam text message. People are wise to the risks of clicking on suspicious links, so your text messages are likely to head straight to the trash without being read. 

Would you click on these?

If you’re not quite sure if these are accepted, you’re not alone. These types of text messages raise a lot of red flags for phone users — especially if there’s talk of prizes, sales, or money involved.

With half the planet having mobile phones and spending an increasing amount of time using them to browse and shop online, businesses have the perfect opportunity to leverage the power of mobile marketing to grow their business.

 Best Bulk SMS is a direct and effective way of connecting with existing and potential customers in just a few short characters. 

Although it’s not as popular as other marketing options, best Bulk SMS can achieve massive reach and engagement that isn’t so easily accessible through more popular channels. It gives businesses a faster time to market with their campaigns, with enviable open rates and engagement that emails can only dream of. 

If you haven’t explored bulk SMS marketing for your business, now’s the perfect time to give BroadNet Technologies branded short links a try.

Contact us to request an enterprise demo, or manage your plan within your existing BroadNet account.