direct routes

Price List

Global Coverage & Prices

BroadNet offers fast, reliable, secure and global SMS termination services at very competitive prices. Our coverage includes intelligent routing to more than 10,000 operators and carriers in 150 countries worldwide.

We maintain one of the largest and most inter-connected SMS routing networks in the world. This is achieved due to our extensive network of partners and strong relationships over the span of 20 years. So, no matter where you want to send a message, we got you covered!

Contact our Sales Team for volume discounts.

Country Operator MCC MNC Price
Afghanistan Afghan Wireless Communication Company 412 01 0.11100
Afghanistan MTN 412 40 0.16250
Afghanistan Emirates Telecom Corporation (Etisalat) 412 50 0.22710
Afghanistan Telecom Development (Roshan) 412 20 0.23250
Albania Telekom (One Albania) (M) 276 01 0.06600
Albania ALBtelecom (One Albania) (M) 276 03 0.06600
Albania Plus Communications Sh.a. (M) 276 04 0.04650
Albania VODAFONE ALBANIA Sh.a. (M) 276 02 0.03700
Algeria Djezzy 603 02 0.07900
Algeria Mobilis 603 01 0.07900
Algeria Nedjma 603 03 0.07900
Angola Movicel 631 04 0.05000
Angola Africell Angola S.A. 631 05 0.01800
Angola Unitel 631 02 0.01100
Antigua and Barbuda APUA PCS 344 30 0.03000
Antigua and Barbuda Digicel Antigua 344 50 0.09700
Antigua and Barbuda Digicel Antigua 344 930 0.09000
Argentina AMX (Claro) 722 310 0.03900
Argentina Mtel Argentina Radiomensaje 722 30 0.07200
Argentina Telecom Argentina 722 340 0.07200
Argentina FeCoSur 722 34 0.07200
Argentina Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) 722 70 0.03100
Armenia Veon (Beeline/Team Telecom) 283 01 0.06000
Armenia Karabakh Telecom 283 04 0.01700
Armenia Ucom GSM (Ucom) 283 10 0.20250
Armenia MTS GSM (Vivacell) 283 05 0.09050
Aruba New Millennium Telecom (Digicel) 363 02 0.09750
Aruba SETAR 363 01 0.02250
Australia Optus Networks Pty Ltd (SingTel) 505 02 0.00990
Australia Telstra Corporation Ltd 505 01 0.00990
Australia Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd 505 03 0.00990
Azerbaijan azercell 400 01 0.20950
Azerbaijan Azerfon 400 04 0.24250
Azerbaijan Bakcell 400 02 0.24560
Azerbaijan Catel (CDMA-800) 400 03 0.23600
Bahamas BaTelCel 364 390 0.03750
Bahamas BaTelCel 364 39 0.03750
Bahamas BaTelCel 364 30 0.03100
Bahrain batelco 426 01 0.01450
Bahrain MTC Vodafone(zain) 426 02 0.01450
Bahrain Viva 426 04 0.01450
Bangladesh Robi Axiata Limited 470 02 0.26050
Bangladesh Pacific Bangladesh (Citycell) (defunct) 470 05 0.07900
Bangladesh Grameen Phone Limited 470 01 0.15650
Bangladesh Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd 470 03 0.21250
Bangladesh Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd 470 04 0.18250
Belarus Life 257 04 0.13250
Belarus Unitary enterprise A1 257 01 0.13650
Belarus MTS (JLLC Mobile TeleSystems) 257 02 0.13250
Belgium Telenet Group BVBA 206 20 0.05400
Belgium Lycamobile sprl 206 06 0.05400
Belgium Orange Belgium 206 10 0.04900
Belgium Proximus NV van publiek recht 206 01 0.04900
Belize Belize Telecommunication Ltd 702 67 0.16200
Belize Belize Telecommunication Ltd 702 68 0.16200
Belize SPEEDNET (prepaid) 702 99 0.14500
Benin BBCOM(Bell Benin) 616 04 0.07600
Benin MOOV (Etisalat Benin) 616 02 0.12500
Benin Glomobile Benin Ltd. 616 05 0.07600
Benin Office des(Libercom) 616 01 0.07600
Benin MTN Benin 616 03 0.09750
Bhutan B-Mobile 402 11 0.24250
Bolivia Entel (GSM) 736 02 0.01590
Bolivia Viva (Nuevatel PCS) 736 01 0.07050
Bolivia Telecel (Tigo Bolivia) 736 03 0.17250
Bosnia and Herzegovina HT Mostar (Eronet) 218 03 0.04450
Bosnia and Herzegovina BH Telecom dd 218 90 0.04450
Bosnia and Herzegovina Telekom Srpske ad (m:tel) 218 05 0.04500
Botswana Botswana Telecom BTC 652 04 0.01590
Botswana Mascom Wireless 652 01 0.05400
Botswana Orange Botswana 652 02 0.01590
Brazil CLARO S.A. 724 05 0.00900
Brazil ALGAR CELULAR S/A (CTBC) 724 34 0.00900
Brazil Oi Movel S.A. (TNL PCS) 724 31 0.00900
Brazil SERCOMTEL CELULAR S.A. 724 15 0.00900
Brazil TIM CELULAR S.A. & Cubic 724 02 0.00930
Brazil VIVO S.A. 724 06 0.00900
Brazil VIVO S.A. 724 23 0.00900
Brazil VIVO S.A. 724 11 0.00900
Brazil VIVO S.A. 724 10 0.00900
Bulgaria Bulgarian Telecom Company (Vivacom) 284 03 0.07000
Bulgaria Telenor (Yettel Bulgaria) 284 05 0.09250
Bulgaria A1 BULGARIA 284 01 0.07650
Burkina Faso Celtel(Zain) Orange 613 02 0.09500
Burkina Faso Telecel Faso S.A. 613 03 0.08950
Burkina Faso Onatel (Telmob/Moov) 613 01 0.04100
Burundi Smart Burundi 642 07 0.02900
Burundi Onatel 642 03 0.02800
Burundi Econet Wireless Leo 642 82 0.16250
Cambodia Smart Axiata 456 02 0.19250
Cameroon MTN 624 01 0.08420
Cameroon Orange Cameroon 624 02 0.08100
Chad Bharti Airtel 622 01 0.16450
Chad Millicom Tchad 622 03 0.09000
Chile Claro Chile sa 730 03 0.02900
Chile Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones sa 730 01 0.03400
Chile Telefonica Viva (Movistar) 730 07 0.03400
Chile Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) 730 02 0.03400
China China Mobile 460 00 0.03900
China China Unicom 460 01 0.03900
Colombia COMUNICACION CELULAR (Claro) 732 101 0.00210
Colombia COLOMBIA TELECOM (Movistar) 732 123 0.00210
Colombia COLOMBIA MOVIL (Tigo) 732 103 0.00210
Costa Rica Claro 712 03 0.02000
Costa Rica Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad 712 01 0.02000
Costa Rica Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad 712 02 0.02000
Costa Rica Movistar 712 04 0.02000
Croatia T-Mobile (T-Hrvatski telekom) 219 01 0.05700
Croatia Tele2 (Telemach) 219 02 0.07600
Croatia VIPnet (A1 Hrvatska d.o.o) 219 10 0.05700
Cyprus CYTA 280 01 0.00740
Cyprus EPIC LTD 280 10 0.00740
Cyprus PRIMETEL PLC 280 20 0.00740
Czech Republic O2 Czech Republic a.s. 230 02 0.03800
Czech Republic T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. 230 01 0.03300
Czech Republic Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. 230 03 0.02580
Democratic Republic of the Con CCT 630 86 0.11400
Democratic Republic of the Con Celtel(Zain) 630 02 0.19700
Democratic Republic of the Con Sait-T 630 89 0.11400
Democratic Republic of the Con Supercell 630 05 0.11400
Democratic Republic of the Con Vodacom 630 01 0.04500
Denmark Hi3G (Three Denmark) 238 06 0.02900
Denmark Lycamobile 238 12 0.02900
Denmark TDC (Nuuday A/S) 238 01 0.02900
Denmark Telenor 238 02 0.02900
Denmark Telia 238 20 0.03200
Dominican Repblic Compania(Claro) 370 02 0.02390
Dominican Repblic Orange Dominicana 370 01 0.08700
Dominican Repblic Tricom 370 03 0.08700
Dominican Repblic Trilogy_Domini(Viva) 370 04 0.04800
Ecuador Corporacion National Telecom (CNT) 740 02 0.27250
Ecuador Otecel Sociedad Anonima (Movistar) 740 00 0.15700
Ecuador Conecel (Claro Ecuador) 740 01 0.08550
Egypt Etisalat 602 03 0.15900
Egypt mobinil 602 01 0.26750
Egypt Vodafone 602 02 0.08950
El Salvador CTE Telecom 706 01 0.03950
El Salvador DIGICEL 706 02 0.09750
El Salvador Telemovil(Tigo) 706 03 0.03000
El Salvador Telfonica 706 04 0.03000
Estonia EMT 248 01 0.02850
Estonia Radiolinja Eesti 248 02 0.02850
Estonia Tele 2 Eesti 248 03 0.02600
Ethiopia Ethio Telecom 636 01 0.21000
Fiji Digicel Fiji Ltd 542 02 0.13150
Fiji Inkk Mobile(MVNO) 542 00 0.05100
Fiji Vodafone 542 01 0.09000
Finland Alands Mobiltelefon 244 14 0.03780
Finland DNA Verkot Oy 244 04 0.03780
Finland DNA Verkot Oy 244 12 0.03780
Finland DNA Verkot Oy 244 13 0.03780
Finland DNA Verkot Oy 244 03 0.03780
Finland Elisa Oyj 244 05 0.03780
Finland Sonera (Tele) 244 91 0.03780
France Bouygues Telecom 208 20 0.03280
France Bouygues T 208 21 0.03280
France Free Moblie 208 14 0.03280
France Free Moblie 208 15 0.03280
France Lycamobile SARL 208 25 0.05550
France Orange France 208 01 0.03280
France Outremer T 208 02 0.03280
France Societe francaise radiotelephone (SFR) 208 10 0.03280
France Soci (SFR) 208 11 0.03280
France Transatel 208 22 0.03280
Gabon USAN GABON (AZUR) 628 04 0.02100
Gabon Airtel Gabon(ZAIN) (Celtel) 628 03 0.00590
Gabon Libertis (Gabon Telecom) 628 01 0.02100
Gabon TELECEL-moov 628 02 0.02100
Gambia Africell 607 02 0.11200
Gambia Comium 607 03 0.08450
Gambia Gamcel 607 01 0.05850
Gambia Qcell 607 04 0.04350
Georgia Geo Cell 282 01 0.09050
Georgia Magticom Ltd 282 02 0.09050
Georgia Mobitel (Beeline Georgia) 282 04 0.09050
Germany Lebara Limited 262 14 0.06200
Germany MultiConnect GmbH 262 21 0.09150
Germany Drillisch Online AG 262 23 0.09150
Germany Lycamobile Germany GmbH 262 43 0.06070
Germany TelcoVillage GmbH 262 24 0.05200
Germany Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG 262 07 0.06400
Germany Telekom Deutschland GmbH 262 01 0.05400
Germany MTEL Deutschland GmbH 262 25 0.05200
Germany Argon Networks UG 262 33 0.05360
Germany Truphone GmbH 262 42 0.05360
Germany Vodafone GmbH 262 02 0.05540
Ghana Vodafone 620 02 0.10250
Ghana GLO Mobile (AirtelTigo Ghana) 620 07 0.25000
Ghana Expresso Mobile Network 620 04 0.09250
Ghana Tigo Mobile Network 620 03 0.25000
Ghana MTN Ghana 620 01 0.10650
Gibraltar Gibraltar 266 06 0.01750
Gibraltar Gibtelecom 266 01 0.04500
Greece COSMOTE SA 202 01 0.03300
Greece VODAFONE-PANAFON SA 202 05 0.03300
Grenada Cable and Wireless 352 110 0.02450
Grenada Digicel 352 30 0.02450
Grenada Digicel 352 50 0.02450
Guatemala Comunicaciones Celulares S.A 704 02 0.16900
Guatemala Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales 704 01 0.03650
Guatemala Telefonica 704 03 0.03450
Guinea Areeba-Guin 611 04 0.19450
Guinea Cellcom Guin 611 05 0.12050
Guinea Intercel 611 03 0.08600
Guinea Orange Guin 611 01 0.13050
Guinea Sotelgui 611 02 0.07900
Honduras Celtel (Tigo) 708 20 0.06550
Honduras Celtel (Tigo) 708 02 0.06550
Honduras Digicel Hondura 708 40 0.03800
Honduras Digicel Hondura 708 04 0.03800
Honduras Empresa Hondurena 708 30 0.01950
Honduras Sercom (Claro) 708 01 0.03800
Hungary T-Mobile 216 30 0.02800
Hungary Telenor (PANNON) 216 01 0.04600
Hungary Telenor (PANNON) 216 20 0.04600
Hungary vodafone 216 70 0.04400
Iceland IceCell 274 07 0.03800
Iceland IMC Islande ehf (Viking) 274 04 0.05300
Iceland Landss Siminn hf 274 01 0.03800
Iceland Landss Siminn hf 274 08 0.03800
Iceland Nova ehf. 274 11 0.03000
Iceland Null niu ehf 274 06 0.03800
Iceland Og fjarskipti hf. (Vodafone) 274 02 0.04900
Iceland Og fjarskipti hf. (Vodafone) 274 03 0.04900
Iceland Og fjarskipti hf. (Vodafone) 274 05 0.03800
Iceland Tal 274 12 0.03800
India AIRCEL_Andhra Pradesh 405 801 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Assam 404 029 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Bihar 404 025 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Chennai 404 041 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Delhi 405 800 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Gujarat 405 802 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Haryana 405 807 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Jammu & Kashmir 404 037 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Karnataka 405 803 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Kerala 405 809 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Kolkata 404 091 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Madhya Pradesh 405 808 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Maharashtra 405 804 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Mumbai 405 805 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Orissa 404 028 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Punjab 405 812 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Rajasthan 405 806 0.04400
India AIRCEL_Tamil Nadu 404 042 0.04400
India AIRCEL_UP-East 405 810 0.04400
India AIRCEL_UP-WEST 405 811 0.04400
India AIRCEL_West Bengal 404 017 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Andhra Pradesh 404 049 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Assam 405 056 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Bihar 405 052 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Delhi 404 010 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Gujarat 404 098 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Haryana 404 096 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Himachal Pradesh 404 003 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Jammu & Kashmir 405 055 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Karnataka 404 045 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Kerala 404 095 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Kolkata 404 031 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Madhya Pradesh 404 093 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Maharashtra 404 090 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Mumbai 404 092 0.04400
India AIRTEL_North East 404 016 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Punjab 404 002 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Rajasthan 404 070 0.04400
India AIRTEL_Tamil Nadu 404 094 0.04400
India AIRTEL_UP-East 405 054 0.04400
India AIRTEL_UP-West 404 097 0.04400
India AIRTEL_West Bengal 405 051 0.04400
India Etisalat_Andhra Pradesh 405 912 0.04400
India Etisalat_Delhi 405 913 0.04400
India Etisalat_Gujarat 405 914 0.04400
India Etisalat_Kerala 405 917 0.04400
India IDEA_Andhra Pradesh 404 007 0.04400
India IDEA_Assam 405 845 0.04400
India IDEA_Bihar 405 070 0.04400
India IDEA_Delhi 404 004 0.04400
India IDEA_Gujarat 404 024 0.04400
India IDEA_Haryana 404 012 0.04400
India IDEA_Himachal Pradesh 404 082 0.04400
India IDEA_Jammu & Kashmir 405 846 0.04400
India IDEA_Karnataka 404 044 0.04400
India IDEA_Kerala 404 019 0.04400
India IDEA_Kolkata 405 848 0.04400
India IDEA_Madhya Pradesh 404 078 0.04400
India IDEA_Maharashtra 404 022 0.04400
India IDEA_Mumbai 405 799 0.04400
India IDEA_Orissa 405 850 0.04400
India IDEA_Punjab 404 014 0.04400
India IDEA_Rajasthan 404 087 0.04400
India IDEA_UP-East 404 089 0.04400
India IDEA_UP-West 404 056 0.04400
India LOOP Telecom_Assam 405 855 0.04400
India LOOP Telecom_Kolkata 405 864 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (North East) 405 865 0.04400
India LOOP Telecom_Mumbai 404 021 0.04400
India Reliance_Andhra Pradesh 405 001 0.04400
India Reliance_Assam 404 009 0.04400
India Reliance_Bihar 405 003 0.04400
India Reliance_Delhi 405 005 0.04400
India Reliance_Gujarat 404 006 0.04400
India Reliance_Jammu & Kashmir 405 009 0.04400
India Reliance_Karnataka 405 010 0.04400
India Reliance_Kolkata 404 083 0.04400
India Reliance_Madhya Pradesh 404 067 0.04400
India Reliance_Maharashtra 405 013 0.04400
India Reliance_Orissa 404 052 0.04400
India Reliance_Rajasthan 405 019 0.04400
India Reliance_West Bengal 404 085 0.04400
India S.Tel_Assam 405 881 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Andhra Pradesh 405 025 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Assam 405 26 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Bihar 405 027 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Delhi 405 029 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Gujarat 405 030 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Haryana 405 031 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Himachal Pradesh 405 032 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Jammu & Kashmir 405 033 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Karnataka 405 034 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Kerala 405 035 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Kolkata 405 036 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Madhya Pradesh 405 038 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Maharashtra 405 037 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Mumbai 405 039 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Orissa 405 041 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Punjab 405 042 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Rajasthan 405 043 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_Tamil Nadu 405 044 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_UP-East 405 045 0.04400
India Tata Teleservices_UP-WEST 405 046 0.04400
India Unitech Wireless_Bihar 405 876 0.04400
India Unitech Wireless_Tamil Nadu 405 925 0.04400
India VIDEOCON_Assam 405 824 0.04400
India VIDEOCON_Gujarat 405 827 0.04400
India VIDEOCON_Madhya Pradesh 405 834 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Andhra Pradesh 404 013 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Assam 405 751 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Bihar 405 752 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Chennai 404 084 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Delhi 404 011 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Gujarat 404 005 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Haryana 404 001 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Himachal Pradesh 405 754 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Jammu & Kashmir 405 750 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Karnataka 404 086 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Kerala 404 046 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Kolkata 404 030 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Madhya Pradesh 405 756 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Maharashtra 404 027 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Mumbai 404 020 0.04400
India VODAFONE_North East 405 755 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Orissa 405 753 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Punjab 404 088 0.04400
India VODAFONE_Rajasthan 404 060 0.04400
India VODAFONE_UP-East 404 015 0.04400
India VODAFONE_UP-WEST 405 066 0.04400
India VODAFONE_West Bengal 405 067 0.04400
Indonesia Excelcomindo GSM 510 11 0.26100
Indonesia Hutchison 510 89 0.23750
Indonesia Indosat(DCS) 510 01 0.23450
Indonesia Komselindo STKB-C (AMPS) 510 28 0.21250
Indonesia TelkomSel 510 10 0.26050
Iraq Asiacell Communications LLC 418 05 0.19500
Iraq Sanatel 418 08 0.07500
Iraq Korek Telecom Company 418 40 0.20750
Iraq Atheer Telecommunications (Zain Iraq) 418 20 0.13600
Ireland Hutchison 3G Ireland 272 05 0.03200
Ireland Meteor 272 03 0.03300
Ireland O2 Communications 272 02 0.03200
Ireland Vodafone Ireland plc 272 01 0.03200
Israel Cellcom 425 02 0.29030
Israel HOT Mobile 425 07 0.29730
Israel Partner (former Orange) 425 01 0.26300
Israel Pelephone 425 03 0.31600
Italy H3G S.p.A. (UMTS) 222 99 0.02650
Italy H3G S.p.A. (UMTS) 222 33 0.02650
Italy LycaMobile 222 35 0.02650
Italy RFI-Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A 222 30 0.02650
Italy TIM Italia S.p.A 222 01 0.02650
Italy Vodafone S.p.A. 222 10 0.02650
Italy Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A 222 88 0.02650
Italy Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A 222 44 0.02650
Ivory Coast Atlantic Telecom (MOOV) 612 02 0.17750
Ivory Coast MTN - Cote dIvoire 612 05 0.09650
Ivory Coast Orange - Cote dIvoire 612 03 0.12750
Jamaica Cable&Wireless(LIME) 338 180 0.06950
Jamaica Cable&Wireless(LIME) 338 20 0.06300
Jamaica Digicel Jamaica 338 50 0.13050
Jamaica Oceanic Digital Jamaica 338 70 0.07600
Japan NTT DoCoMo Inc 440 10 0.03600
Japan Rakuten Mobile 440 11 0.03600
Jordan Fastlink(Zain) 416 01 0.13250
Jordan Orange(Mobilcom) 416 77 0.24700
Jordan UMNIAH 416 03 0.18700
Kazakhstan Beeline 401 01 0.16350
Kazakhstan Dalacom/Altel 401 07 0.15250
Kazakhstan K-Cell 401 02 0.16750
Kazakhstan Kazakhtelekom 401 08 0.09600
Kazakhstan Tele2-MTS 401 77 0.15250
Kenya Airtel (celtel) 639 03 0.16450
Kenya Orange(Telkom Kenya) 639 07 0.21500
Kenya Safaricom 639 02 0.05850
Kenya yu (Econet Wireless) 639 05 0.16450
Kuwait Kuwait Telecom Company (KSC/VIVA/stc) 419 04 0.23250
Kuwait Wataniya Telecom (KSC/Ooredoo) 419 03 0.10600
Kuwait Mobile Telecommunications Co. (ZAIN KW) 419 02 0.14250
Kyrgyzstan SEM MOBILE (AkTel (Fonex)) 437 03 0.15000
Kyrgyzstan Sky Mobile (Beeline Kyrgystan) 437 01 0.17000
Kyrgyzstan BiMoCom (Megacom) 437 05 0.18250
Kyrgyzstan Nur Telecom 437 09 0.17550
Latvia Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) 247 01 0.02850
Latvia Tele2 247 02 0.02650
Lebanon Alfa (MIC-1) 415 01 0.17750
Lebanon MTC Touch (MIC-2) 415 03 0.19750
Lesotho Econet Ezi-Cel 651 02 0.13550
Lesotho Vodacom 651 01 0.00750
Liberia Celcom Telecommunication Inc 618 07 0.09250
Liberia Novafone (Comium Liberia) 618 04 0.14500
Liberia Liberia Telecommunications Corporation 618 20 0.02700
Liberia Lonestar Communications Corp 618 01 0.14500
Libya Al-Madar (Orbit) 606 01 0.18000
Libya Libyana 606 00 0.23100
Lithuania Bite GSM UAB 246 02 0.02750
Lithuania Omnitel 246 01 0.02750
Lithuania Tele2 UAB 246 03 0.02750
Luxembourg LuxGSM S.A 270 01 0.03550
Luxembourg Tango 270 77 0.06100
Luxembourg VOXmobile 270 99 0.04900
Macedonia ONE (Cosmofon) 294 02 0.01250
Macedonia T-Mobile 294 01 0.01800
Macedonia VIP Operator 294 03 0.01800
Malaysia Celcom 502 13 0.16250
Malaysia Celcom 502 19 0.16250
Malaysia Digi 502 10 0.19250
Malaysia Digi 502 16 0.19250
Malaysia maxis 502 12 0.17750
Malaysia maxis 502 17 0.17750
Malaysia U Mobile(YES) 502 18 0.15800
Maldives Wmobile (Wataniya Telecom) 472 02 0.15650
Malta Go(Mobisle Commu) 278 21 0.03800
Malta Melita Mobile 278 77 0.04400
Malta Vodafone Malta 278 01 0.03800
Mauritania Chinguitel 609 02 0.18650
Mauritania Mattel(EMatel) 609 01 0.07250
Mauritania Mauritel Mobiles 609 10 0.07500
Mauritius Emtel 617 10 0.09350
Mauritius MTML 617 02 0.04200
Mauritius MTML 617 03 0.04200
Mauritius Orange(Cell Plus) 617 01 0.10350
Mexico PEGASO PCS (Movistar Mexico) 334 30 0.00590
Mexico FREEDOMPOP MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. 334 02 0.00590
Moldova Eventis Mobile 259 04 0.03300
Moldova Moldcell 259 02 0.05600
Moldova Unit 259 03 0.07250
Moldova Unit 259 05 0.02950
Moldova Unit 259 99 0.02950
Moldova Voxtel(orange) 259 01 0.03300
Monaco Monaco Telecom 212 10 0.05800
Monaco Monaco Telecom 212 01 0.05800
Mongolia MobiCom Co. Ltd 428 99 0.15950
Mongolia Skytel 428 91 0.05440
Mongolia Unitel Co. Ltd 428 88 0.15450
Montenegro m:tel CG 297 03 0.05100
Montenegro T-Mobile 297 02 0.06700
Montenegro T-Mobile 297 04 0.06700
Montenegro Telenor(ProMonte) 297 01 0.01250
Morocco INWI (Wana) 604 02 0.14150
Morocco INWI (Wana) 604 05 0.09000
Morocco Itissalat (IAM) 604 01 0.11385
Morocco Medi Telecom 604 00 0.14150
Mozambique Mcel 643 01 0.12450
Mozambique MOVITEL 643 03 0.17450
Mozambique Vodacom 643 04 0.06650
Myanmar Myanmar Post and Telecom 414 01 0.11503
Myanmar Ooredoo Myanmar Limited 414 05 0.14500
Myanmar Telenor (ATOM MYANMAR LIMITED) 414 06 0.22650
Namibia Leo (Orascom) 649 03 0.01790
Namibia MTC Namibia (MTC) 649 01 0.02150
Nepal Namaste(NT Mobile) 429 01 0.05900
Nepal Ncell (Spice Nepal) 429 02 0.20500
Netherlands Venus & Mercury Telecom 204 14 0.05900
Netherlands Barablu Mobile Benelux Ltd 204 06 0.05900
Netherlands Gamma Communications Nederland B.V. 204 03 0.05900
Netherlands Elephant Talk Comms 204 05 0.05900
Netherlands KPN B.V 204 10 0.05900
Netherlands KPN B.V 204 69 0.05900
Netherlands KPN BV 204 08 0.05900
Netherlands Lycamobile Netherlands Limited 204 09 0.05900
Netherlands T-Mobile Netherlands BV 204 16 0.05900
Netherlands T-Mobile Netherlands B.V 204 20 0.05900
Netherlands Tele2 Nederland B.V 204 02 0.05900
Netherlands Telfort B.V 204 12 0.05900
Netherlands Vodafone Libertel BV 204 04 0.05900
New Zealand 2 Degrees Mobile 530 24 0.04500
New Zealand Telecom New Zealand (CDMA) 530 05 0.04500
New Zealand TelstraClear 530 04 0.04500
New Zealand vodaphone 530 03 0.04500
New Zealand vodaphone 530 01 0.04500
Nicaragua Movistar NI 710 30 0.10550
Nicaragua SERCOM S.A.(Claro) 710 73 0.04250
Nicaragua SERCOM S.A.(Claro) 710 21 0.04250
Nigeria Airtel 621 20 0.17705
Nigeria 9Mobile (ETISALAT/Emerging Markets) 621 60 0.18350
Nigeria Glo Mobile (Globacom Limited) 621 50 0.30350
Nigeria NATCOM Dev. & Inv. Ltd (nTel) 621 40 0.08700
Nigeria MTN 621 30 0.10550
Norway Lycamobile 242 23 0.03200
Norway Network(MobileNorway 242 22 0.03250
Norway Network(MobileNorway 242 05 0.03250
Norway Tele2(Mobile Norway) 242 04 0.02640
Norway Telenor Mobil 242 01 0.03550
Norway Telenor Mobil 242 12 0.03550
Norway TeliaSonera(Netcom) 242 02 0.03250
Oman Omani Qatari Telecom Company (Ooredoo) 422 03 0.11500
Oman Oman Telecom Company (Omantel) 422 02 0.06750
Pakistan Jazz (Mobilink) 410 01 0.34750
Pakistan Special Comms Organisation 410 05 0.16250
Pakistan Telenor Pakistan 410 06 0.13000
Pakistan Ufone (Pakistan Telecom Company) 410 03 0.16450
Pakistan Jazz (Warid Telecom) 410 07 0.30750
Pakistan CMPAK (Zong) 410 04 0.14750
Panama Cable & Wireless Panam 714 01 0.06200
Panama Claro 714 03 0.05550
Panama Digicel 714 04 0.09750
Panama Telefonica Moviles 714 02 0.06100
Panama Telefonica Moviles 714 20 0.06100
Paraguay Claro 744 02 0.01300
Paraguay Hola Paragu(VOXTEL) 744 01 0.01750
Paraguay Personal 744 05 0.08000
Paraguay Telecel / Tigo 744 04 0.09050
Peru CLARO (AMERICA MOVIL PERU S.A.C.) 716 10 0.01150
Philippines Cure(Red Telecom) 515 18 0.00403
Philippines DigiTel 515 05 0.10650
Philippines Extelcom CDMA 515 99 0.00403
Philippines Globetelecom 515 02 0.14250
Philippines Globetelecom 515 01 0.12650
Philippines Nextel 515 88 0.00403
Philippines Smart 515 03 0.10650
Poland CenterNet S.A. 260 15 0.01140
Poland Cyfrowy POLSAT(MVNO) 260 12 0.01140
Poland E-Telko Sp. z o.o. 260 08 0.01140
Poland Mobyland Sp. z o.o. 260 16 0.01140
Poland orange 260 03 0.01140
Poland P4 Sp zoo 260 06 0.01140
Poland Polkomtel Plus 260 01 0.01140
Poland Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Era 260 02 0.01140
Poland Telekomunikacja Kole 260 09 0.01140
Portugal optimus 268 03 0.01240
Portugal Portugal LycaMobile 268 04 0.01240
Portugal TMN 268 06 0.01240
Portugal vodafone 268 01 0.01240
Puerto Rico AT&T(New Cingular) 330 30 0.01100
Puerto Rico PRTC(Claro) 330 11 0.01100
Puerto Rico Sprint Spectrum 330 20 0.01100
Puerto Rico Suncom T-mobile Usa 330 490 0.01100
Qatar Q-Tel 427 01 0.12950
Qatar vodaphone 427 02 0.10800
Reunion Orange R 647 00 0.07000
Reunion Outremer T 647 02 0.07000
Reunion Soci(SRR) 647 10 0.07000
Romania Cosmote Rom 226 03 0.02800
Romania Cosmote Rom 226 04 0.02800
Romania orange 226 10 0.02600
Romania Romania Data Systems (DIGI.mobil) 226 05 0.02800
Romania Telemobil-Zapp(CDMA) 226 06 0.02600
Romania Vodafone Rom 226 01 0.02600
Rwanda MTN Rwandacell SARL 635 10 0.00650
Rwanda Bharti Airtel Rwanda 635 14 0.00650
Rwanda Rwandatel 635 12 0.00650
Saint Kitts and Nevis Cable & Wireless 356 110 0.08490
Saint Kitts and Nevis Digicel 356 50 0.19300
Saint Kitts and Nevis UTS CariGlobe 356 07 0.01200
Saint Kitts and Nevis UTS CariGlobe 356 70 0.01200
Saudi Arabia Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) 420 03 0.13900
Saudi Arabia Saudi Telecom Company (STC) 420 01 0.06500
Saudi Arabia zain 420 04 0.15867
Senegal Expresso (Sudatel) 608 03 0.18100
Senegal Sonatel (Alize) 608 01 0.10550
Senegal Tigo (Sentel GSM) 608 02 0.16750
Seychelles Cable and Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd 633 01 0.03300
Seychelles MediaTech 633 02 0.03820
Seychelles Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd 633 10 0.16500
Singapore MyRepublic Mobile 525 03 0.01690
Singapore Singtel Mobile 525 01 0.01680
Singapore Singtel-G18 525 02 0.01680
Singapore StarHub Mobile 525 05 0.01690
Slovakia Orange(globatel) 231 01 0.03000
Slovakia T-Mobile UMTS 231 02 0.03000
Slovakia T-Mobile UMTS 231 04 0.03000
Slovakia Telefonica O2 231 06 0.03000
Slovenia Mobitel 293 41 0.11250
Slovenia Si.Mobil-Vodafone 293 40 0.06050
Slovenia T-2 d.o.o. 293 64 0.06050
Slovenia Tu(Tusmobil) 293 70 0.06050
South Africa CellC (Pty) Ltd 655 07 0.05000
South Africa MTN (Pty) Ltd 655 10 0.05000
South Africa Telkom Mobile SA Ltd 655 02 0.05000
South Africa Vodacom (Pty) Ltd 655 01 0.05000
South Korea KT Freetel 450 02 0.00740
South Korea KT Freetel 450 04 0.00740
South Korea KT Freetel 450 08 0.00740
South Korea LG Telecom 450 06 0.00740
South Korea SK Telecom 450 05 0.00740
South Korea SK Telecom 450 99 0.00740
South Sudan Gemtel Mobile 659 03 0.06500
South Sudan MTN South Sudan 659 02 0.15250
South Sudan DIGITEL 659 05 0.12500
South Sudan Network of the World (NOW) 659 04 0.12500
South Sudan Zain South Sudan 659 06 0.07100
Spain Bt Espa 214 15 0.01950
Spain Cableuropa S a u 214 18 0.01950
Spain E-plus M(Simyo) 214 19 0.01950
Spain Euskaltel S a 214 08 0.01950
Spain Fonyou 214 20 0.01950
Spain FranceTelecom(Orange 214 09 0.01950
Spain Jazz Telecom S a u 214 21 0.01950
Spain Llamaya 214 33 0.01950
Spain Lycamobile Spain 214 25 0.01950
Spain R Cable Y Telecomunicaciones Galicia 214 17 0.01950
Spain Telecable De Asturias 214 16 0.01950
Spain Telefonica(Movistar) 214 05 0.01950
Spain Vodafone 214 01 0.01950
Spain Vodafone 214 06 0.01950
Spain Xfera M(Yoigo) 214 04 0.01950
Sri Lanka Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) 413 05 0.21250
Sri Lanka Etisalat 413 03 0.20750
Sri Lanka Hutchison 413 08 0.22500
Sri Lanka Mobitel 413 01 0.26250
Sri Lanka MTN Dialog(Axiata) 413 02 0.21550
Sudan Areeba Sudan(MTN) 634 02 0.15250
Sudan Mobitel(Zain) 634 01 0.20500
Sudan Network of the World 634 05 0.09000
Sudan Sudani One 634 07 0.18450
Suriname (Uniqa) Intelsur 746 04 0.19250
Suriname Digicel Suriname N.V. 746 03 0.19250
Suriname Telesur 746 02 0.09450
Swaziland Swazi MTN Limited 653 10 0.05750
Sweden 42 Telecom 240 16 0.02900
Sweden Beepsend 240 26 0.02900
Sweden Comviq (Tele2) 240 07 0.02900
Sweden Hi3G 240 02 0.02900
Sweden Hi3G 240 04 0.02900
Sweden INFOBIP LIMITED 240 23 0.02900
Sweden Lycamobile Sweden 240 12 0.03900
Sweden Mundio Mobile 240 19 0.02900
Sweden TDC Mobil 240 14 0.02900
Sweden Telenor (Vodafone Europolitan) 240 08 0.03150
Sweden Telenor (Vodafone Europolitan) 240 06 0.03150
Sweden Telenor (Vodafone Europolitan) 240 05 0.02900
Sweden Telenor (Vodafone Europolitan) 240 24 0.02900
Sweden TeliaSonera 240 01 0.02900
Sweden Wireless Maingate 240 20 0.03900
Switzerland Bebbicell AG 228 51 0.01250
Switzerland Comfone AG 228 05 0.05000
Switzerland In&Phone SA 228 07 0.05000
Switzerland LycaMobile 228 54 0.05000
Switzerland orange 228 03 0.04700
Switzerland sunrise 228 02 0.01200
Switzerland Swisscom Mobile AG 228 01 0.01250
Switzerland Tele2 Telecommunication Services AG 228 08 0.05000
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom LDM 466 92 0.05300
Taiwan FarEasTone Telecom 466 01 0.05300
Taiwan Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd 466 97 0.05300
Taiwan Taiwan Star Companys (Vibo) 466 89 0.05300
Tajikistan Babilon Mobile 436 04 0.23900
Tajikistan MegaFon Tajikistan (TT Mobile) Telecom Ink 436 03 0.23250
Tajikistan Takom Beeline (Tajik Tel/ZET-MOBILE) 436 05 0.23250
Tajikistan INDIGO 436 02 0.23250
Tanzania Airtel Tanzania Limited 640 05 0.16150
Tanzania MIC Limited (Tigo Tanzania) 640 02 0.20800
Tanzania Benson Informatics Ltd 640 08 0.06500
Tanzania Viettel Tanzania Limited 640 09 0.13150
Tanzania Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd 640 07 0.06900
Tanzania Vodacom Tanzania Limited 640 04 0.05450
Tanzania Zanzibar Telecom Ltd (Tigo Tanzania) 640 03 0.20250
Thailand CAT Telecom (National Telecom) 520 00 0.00330
Thailand TOT PLC (National Telecom) 520 15 0.00330
Thailand Asia Cellular Satellite 520 20 0.00330
Thailand DTAC (Total Access Communications PLC) 520 18 0.00330
Thailand DTAC Trinet 520 05 0.00330
Thailand True Move Company Ltd(True Move) 520 99 0.00330
Togo Moov Togo 615 03 0.05950
Togo Togocel 615 01 0.21950
Tunisia Orange Tunisie 605 01 0.06000
Tunisia Ooredoo Tunisie 605 03 0.07900
Tunisia Tunisie Telecom ( Watany ettisalat ) 605 02 0.07450
Turkey AVEA (TT Mobil Iletisim Hizmetleri) 286 03 0.00650
Turkey VODAFONE (TT Mobil Iletisim Hizmetleri) 286 02 0.00650
Turkey Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. 286 01 0.00650
Turkmenistan MTS Turkmenistan (BCTI) 438 01 0.07750
Turkmenistan Altyn Asyr 438 02 0.16950
Uganda Airtel Uganda LTD (Warid Telecom) 641 01 0.16150
Uganda MTN (Uganda) Ltd (iTel) 641 10 0.10750
Uganda Orange (Africell Uganda) 641 14 0.09450
Uganda Uganda Telecom Ltd 641 11 0.02200
Ukraine Kyivstar 255 02 0.10000
Ukraine Kyivstar 255 03 0.10000
Ukraine Lifecell 255 06 0.10000
Ukraine Vodafone Ukraine (VF/MTS) 255 01 0.10000
Ukraine Telesystems of Ukraine 255 21 0.10000
Ukraine Trimob 255 07 0.12000
United Arab Emirates Emirates Integrated Telecoms PJSC (DU) 424 03 0.06450
United Arab Emirates Emirates Telecom Corp-ETISALAT 424 02 0.06800
United Kingdom-G-I-J Vectone Mobile Limited 234 01 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Jersey Airtel Limited 234 03 0.02750
United Kingdom-G-I-J University Of Strathclyde 235 04 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Spitfire Network Services Limited 235 08 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J TeleWare Group PLC 234 19 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Hutchison 3G (Three) 234 20 0.02750
United Kingdom-G-I-J Telet Research (N.I.) Limited 235 88 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Telesign Mobile Limited 234 22 0.03150
United Kingdom-G-I-J Stour Marine Limited 234 24 0.02860
United Kingdom-G-I-J Truphone Ltd 234 25 0.04100
United Kingdom-G-I-J Lycamobile UK Limited 234 26 0.02500
United Kingdom-G-I-J EE Limited ( TM) 234 30 0.02500
United Kingdom-G-I-J Virgin Mobile Telecoms Limited 234 38 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 234 39 0.03965
United Kingdom-G-I-J JT (Guernsey) Limited 234 50 0.04100
United Kingdom-G-I-J Tango Networks UK Ltd 234 53 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Sure (Guernsey) Limited 234 55 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Sky UK Limited 234 57 0.02450
United Kingdom-G-I-J Manx Telecom Limited 234 58 0.03150
United Kingdom-G-I-J Airwave Solutions Ltd 234 78 0.02100
Uruguay Antel 748 01 0.06000
Uruguay America Movil Wireless (Claro) 748 10 0.04650
Uruguay Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) 748 07 0.06000
Uzbekistan Coscom (Ucell) 434 05 0.24400
Uzbekistan Unitel (Beeline Uzbekistan) 434 04 0.16220
Uzbekistan Mobiuz (UMS) 434 07 0.24200
Venezuela Corporacion Digitel C.A. 734 02 0.11670
Venezuela Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A. 734 06 0.01980
Venezuela Telefonica (Movistar)(Globalstar) 734 04 0.03150
Vietnam Mobile Gtel 452 07 0.09000
Vietnam Mobile Vietnamobile 452 05 0.10750
Vietnam Mobile Mobifone 452 01 0.08500
Vietnam Sphone Mobile (defunct) 452 03 0.05200
Vietnam Mobile Viettel 452 04 0.08950
Vietnam Mobile Vinaphone 452 02 0.07550
Yemen MTN 421 02 0.13250
Yemen Sabafon 421 01 0.13250
Yemen Y (HiTS-Unitel) 421 04 0.13250
Yemen Yemen Mobile(CDMA) 421 03 0.13250
Yugoslavia - Serbia Telekom Srbija a.d. 220 03 0.01380
Yugoslavia - Serbia Telenor d.o.o. 220 01 0.01800
Yugoslavia - Serbia Vip mobile d.o.o. 220 05 0.07500
Zambia Airtel Zambia 645 01 0.16500
Zambia MTN Zambia 645 02 0.08250
Zambia Zamtel (Zambia Telecom Company) 645 03 0.20750
Zimbabwe Econet Wireless 648 04 0.14250
Zimbabwe NetOne 648 01 0.04550
Zimbabwe Telecel 648 03 0.14500
Lebanon Rest 415 0 0.06250
India Rest 404 0 0.04400
Egypt Rest 602 0 0.06450
South Africa Rest 655 0 0.05000
Greece Rest 202 0 0.03300
Netherlands Rest 204 0 0.05900
Belgium Rest 206 0 0.05400
France Rest 208 0 0.03280
Spain Rest 214 0 0.01950
Hungary Rest 216 0 0.04500
Italy Rest 222 0 0.02650
Romania Rest 226 0 0.02950
Switzerland Rest 228 0 0.05000
United Kingdom-G-I-J Rest 234 0 0.01980
Denmark Rest 238 0 0.02900
Sweden Rest 240 0 0.02900
Norway Rest 242 0 0.02640
Poland Rest 260 0 0.01140
Germany Rest 262 0 0.05200
Mexico Rest 334 0 0.00750
Argentina Rest 722 0 0.07200
Brazil Rest 724 0 0.00900
Chile Rest 730 0 0.03400
Colombia Rest 732 0 0.00210
Venezuela Rest 734 0 0.02500
Malaysia Rest 502 0 0.04100
Australia Rest 505 0 0.01430
Indonesia Rest 510 0 0.17450
Philippines Rest 515 0 0.11500
New Zealand Rest 530 0 0.04500
Singapore Rest 525 0 0.01690
Thailand Rest 520 0 0.00330
Japan Rest 440 0 0.03600
South Korea Rest 450 0 0.00740
Vietnam Rest 452 0 0.05200
China Rest 460 0 0.00790
Turkey Rest 286 0 0.00280
Pakistan Rest 410 0 0.25050
Afghanistan Rest 412 0 0.14100
Sri Lanka Rest 413 0 0.12000
Myanmar Rest 414 0 0.08500
South Sudan Rest 659 0 0.06500
Morocco Rest 604 0 0.09250
Algeria Rest 603 0 0.07900
Tunisia Rest 605 0 0.04400
Libya Rest 606 0 0.12150
Gambia Rest 607 0 0.06700
Senegal Rest 608 0 0.10400
Mauritania Rest 609 0 0.08300
Guinea Rest 611 0 0.07900
Ivory Coast Rest 612 0 0.04950
Burkina Faso Rest 613 0 0.03800
Togo Rest 615 0 0.01500
Benin Rest 616 0 0.07950
Mauritius Rest 617 0 0.06700
Liberia Rest 618 0 0.02700
Ghana Rest 620 0 0.25000
Nigeria Rest 621 0 0.18250
Chad Rest 622 0 0.07300
Cameroon Rest 624 0 0.01690
Gabon Rest 628 0 0.00590
Democratic Republic of the Con Rest 630 0 0.19700
Angola Rest 631 0 0.01490
Seychelles Rest 633 0 0.02950
Sudan Rest 634 0 0.09000
Rwanda Rest 635 0 0.00650
Ethiopia Rest 636 0 0.04400
Kenya Rest 639 0 0.09000
Tanzania Rest 640 0 0.06900
Uganda Rest 641 0 0.14750
Burundi Rest 642 0 0.09200
Mozambique Rest 643 0 0.03200
Zambia Rest 645 0 0.06900
Reunion Rest 647 0 0.07000
Zimbabwe Rest 648 0 0.07500
Namibia Rest 649 0 0.01790
Lesotho Rest 651 0 0.00950
Botswana Rest 652 0 0.01590
Swaziland Rest 653 0 0.05600
Aruba Rest 363 0 0.09750
Gibraltar Rest 266 0 0.01750
Portugal Rest 268 0 0.01240
Luxembourg Rest 270 0 0.05800
Ireland Rest 272 0 0.03300
Iceland Rest 274 0 0.03800
Albania Rest 276 0 0.03700
Malta Rest 278 0 0.03800
Cyprus Rest 280 0 0.00740
Finland Rest 244 0 0.03780
Bulgaria Rest 284 0 0.06850
Lithuania Rest 246 0 0.02750
Estonia Rest 248 0 0.02850
Moldova Rest 259 0 0.03300
Armenia Rest 283 0 0.06000
Belarus Rest 257 0 0.08900
Monaco Rest 212 0 0.05800
Ukraine Rest 255 0 0.08650
Yugoslavia - Serbia Rest 220 0 0.01380
Montenegro Rest 297 0 0.01290
Croatia Rest 219 0 0.05700
Slovenia Rest 293 0 0.05350
Bosnia and Herzegovina Rest 218 0 0.04000
Macedonia Rest 294 0 0.01800
Czech Republic Rest 230 0 0.02580
Slovakia Rest 231 0 0.03000
Belize Rest 702 0 0.05300
Guatemala Rest 704 0 0.01790
El Salvador Rest 706 0 0.03000
Honduras Rest 708 0 0.01950
Nicaragua Rest 710 0 0.02400
Costa Rica Rest 712 0 0.02000
Panama Rest 714 0 0.03100
Bolivia Rest 736 0 0.04800
Ecuador Rest 740 0 0.13500
Paraguay Rest 744 0 0.01300
Suriname Rest 746 0 0.04250
Uruguay Rest 748 0 0.06000
Fiji Rest 542 0 0.05100
Bangladesh Rest 470 0 0.07900
Taiwan Rest 466 0 0.01640
Jordan Rest 416 0 0.24700
Iraq Rest 418 0 0.12500
Kuwait Rest 419 0 0.14000
Saudi Arabia Rest 420 0 0.04025
Yemen Rest 421 0 0.13250
Oman Rest 422 0 0.06200
United Arab Emirates Rest 424 0 0.06450
Israel Rest 425 0 0.26300
Bahrain Rest 426 0 0.01490
Qatar Rest 427 0 0.12950
Bhutan Rest 402 0 0.09300
Mongolia Rest 428 0 0.08800
Nepal Rest 429 0 0.12600
Tajikistan Rest 436 0 0.23250
Turkmenistan Rest 438 0 0.01800
Azerbaijan Rest 400 0 0.18900
Georgia Rest 282 0 0.07500
Kyrgyzstan Rest 437 0 0.15000
Uzbekistan Rest 434 0 0.19550
Peru Rest 716 0 0.01150
India Rest2 405 0 0.04400
Chile Nextel sa (WOM) 730 09 0.07250
Iraq Moutiny Wireless Telecommunications 418 45 0.07500
Thailand AWN (Advanced Wireless Network) 520 03 0.00330
Saudi Arabia Virgin 420 05 0.06500
Saudi Arabia Lebara Mobile 420 06 0.08059
Antigua and Barbuda Cable and Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. 344 920 0.06900
Bulgaria BULSATCOM 284 11 0.03140
Uganda Sure Telecom Uganda Ltd 641 18 0.14750
Tunisia Lyca Mobile 605 06 0.25000
Swaziland Swazi Mobile Ltd 653 02 0.05600
Belgium TELENET BVBA 206 05 0.05400
Switzerland SMSRelay AG 228 56 0.05000
Switzerland UPC-Cablecom 228 53 0.01700
Switzerland SBB Switzerland 228 06 0.05000
Singapore StarHub Mobile 525 08 0.01690
Singapore GRID Comms 525 127 0.01690
Malaysia Altel Communications Sdn Bhd 502 156 0.01650
Malaysia webe digital sbn bhd 502 153 0.01850
Peru TE.SA.M. PERU S.A. 716 02 0.01150
Peru VIETTEL PERU S.A.C. (Bitel) 716 15 0.17250
Norway ICE Norge AS 242 14 0.03450
Norway TDC 242 08 0.03250
Nicaragua XINWEI INTELCOM.NIC S.A 710 68 0.05400
Namibia Telecom Namibia 649 06 0.03250
Luxembourg MTX Connect 270 02 0.05800
Luxembourg Starhome Mach 270 80 0.05800
Luxembourg e-LUX Mobile 270 81 0.07050
Monaco Monaco Telecom S.A.M. 212 02 0.05800
Bhutan TashiCell 402 77 0.17950
Burundi Lumitel (Viettel) 642 08 0.15950
Chile VTR Comunicaciones spa 730 08 0.03400
Czech Republic PODA a.s. 230 05 0.02580
Democratic Republic of the Con Africell RDC 630 90 0.11250
Estonia Progroup Holding OU 248 06 0.02850
Estonia Vivex 248 08 0.02850
Finland Elisa Corporation 244 21 0.03780
Hungary LGI Mobile 216 71 0.04600
Greece AMD TELECOM SA 202 07 0.05550
Greece CYTA HELLAS SA 202 14 0.03300
Iraq Regional Telecom ( Fastlink ) 418 66 0.01600
Ireland LGI Mobile (UPC IE) 272 15 0.03200
Ireland Liffey Telecom 272 11 0.03200
Italy Elsacom S.p.A. 222 02 0.02650
Italy Iliad Italia S.P.A. 222 50 0.02650
Spain Best Spain Telecom 214 22 0.01950
Reunion TELCO OI 647 03 0.07000
France Euro Information Telecom 208 26 0.03280
France MobiquiThings SAS 208 24 0.03280
Taiwan Asia Pacific Telecom 466 05 0.05300
Sweden Borderlight 240 39 0.03350
Sweden Com4 Sweden AB 240 09 0.03150
Sweden Telenor Sverige AB 240 42 0.03150
Sweden Globetouch Technologies Pvt Ltd 240 276 0.02900
Sweden MobiWeb Ltd. 240 43 0.02900
Sweden Netmore 240 40 0.02900
Sweden Tele2 Sverige AB 240 10 0.02900
Sweden Fortytwo 240 35 0.02900
Sweden CLX Networks AB 240 29 0.02900
Sweden Eutel AB 240 22 0.02900
Sweden Gotanet 240 17 0.02900
Sweden Mobile Arts 240 33 0.02900
Sweden CLX Networks AB 240 37 0.02900
Sweden Spirius AB 240 45 0.03000
Netherlands Tata Communications MOVE BV 204 07 0.05900
Netherlands Motto Voip BV 204 24 0.05900
Netherlands Mobileum (AGMS) 204 65 0.05900
Netherlands Lancelot BV 204 28 0.05900
Brazil NEXTEL SERVICOS DE TELECOM 724 39 0.00900
Bahamas Be Aliv Limited 364 49 0.02950
Puerto Rico PR Wireless Inc 330 120 0.01100
Egypt WE 602 04 0.17750
India Bharti Airtel Limited India Chennai 404 040 0.04400
India Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd. Tamil Nadu 404 043 0.04400
India MTNL (Delhi) 404 068 0.04400
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited 404 074 0.04400
India Vodafone Idea Limited Tamil Nadu & Chennai (TN&C) 405 852 0.04400
India Tata DoCoMo - West Bengal 405 047 0.04400
India BSNL / Chennai 404 064 0.04400
India BSNL / Maharashtra 404 066 0.04400
India BSNL / Andhra Pradesh 404 073 0.04400
India BSNL / Orissa 404 076 0.04400
India BSNL / Tamil Nadu 404 080 0.04400
India BSNL / Karnataka 404 071 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Bihar) 405 856 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Gujarat) 405 857 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Karnataka) 405 861 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Delhi) 405 872 0.04400
India Reliance Jio 405 874 0.04400
Myanmar Telecom Intl Myanmar Co., Ltd (MyTel) 414 09 0.07500
India CellOne 404 075 0.04400
India Airtel 404 450 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 014 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 020 0.04400
India MTS 405 887 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 915 0.04400
India MTS 405 904 0.04400
India Airtel 405 053 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 022 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 021 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 017 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 012 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 007 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 004 0.04400
India CellOne 404 059 0.04400
India CellOne 404 058 0.04400
India CellOne 404 054 0.04400
India Reliance Telecom Ltd 404 036 0.04400
India Reliance Telecom Ltd 404 018 0.04400
India Aircel 404 033 0.04400
India Aircel 404 035 0.04400
India CellOne 404 034 0.04400
India CellOne 404 038 0.04400
India Reliance Telecom Ltd 404 050 0.04400
India CellOne 404 051 0.04400
India CellOne 404 053 0.04400
India CellOne 404 055 0.04400
India CellOne 404 057 0.04400
India CellOne 404 062 0.04400
India Dolphin/Trump 404 069 0.04400
India CellOne 404 072 0.04400
India CellOne 404 077 0.04400
India CellOne 404 081 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 011 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 015 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 018 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 023 0.04400
India Ping Mobile 405 024 0.04400
India TATA Indicom 405 028 0.04400
India Uninor 405 813 0.04400
India Uninor 405 814 0.04400
India Uninor 405 816 0.04400
India Uninor 405 818 0.04400
India Uninor 405 819 0.04400
India Uninor 405 820 0.04400
India Uninor 405 821 0.04400
India Uninor 405 822 0.04400
India Videocon 405 826 0.04400
India Videocon 405 828 0.04400
India Videocon 405 832 0.04400
India Videocon 405 836 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 405 840 0.04400
India Videocon 405 841 0.04400
India Videocon 405 842 0.04400
India IDEA 405 849 0.04400
India IDEA 405 853 0.04400
India Jio 405 854 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Haryana) 405 858 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Himachal Pradesh) 405 859 0.04400
India Jio 405 860 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Kerala) 405 862 0.04400
India Jio 405 863 0.04400
India Jio 405 866 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Punjab) 405 867 0.04400
India Jio 405 868 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Tamil Nadu) 405 869 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Uttar Pradesh West) 405 870 0.04400
India Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Uttar Pradesh East) 405 871 0.04400
India Jio 405 873 0.04400
India Uninor 405 878 0.04400
India Uninor 405 879 0.04400
India Uninor 405 880 0.04400
India S Tel 405 882 0.04400
India S Tel 405 883 0.04400
India MTS 405 889 0.04400
India MTS 405 890 0.04400
India MTS 405 892 0.04400
India MTS 405 895 0.04400
India MTS 405 896 0.04400
India MTS 405 899 0.04400
India MTS 405 900 0.04400
India MTS 405 905 0.04400
India MTS 405 906 0.04400
India MTS 405 907 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 918 0.04400
India TATA Indicom 405 919 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 920 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 923 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 924 0.04400
India Uninor 405 926 0.04400
India Uninor 405 927 0.04400
India Uninor 405 929 0.04400
India Etisalat DB Telecom 405 931 0.04400
India Videocon 405 932 0.04400
Indonesia ACeS International Limited Indonesia (AIL) 510 00 0.17500
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 006 0.04400
India Reliance Communications Ltd 405 008 0.04400
France SFR FRA09 208 09 0.03280
France Halys 208 94 0.03280
France Globalstar Europe 208 05 0.03280
France SAP Digital Interconnect 208 99 0.03280
Italy Digi Italy Srl 222 36 0.02650
Italy Mass Response Service GmbH 222 56 0.02650
Malaysia YTL Communications Sdn. Bhd. 502 152 0.01650
Lithuania Mediafon 246 06 0.02750
Hungary DIGI Telecommunication and Services Ltd. 216 03 0.04600
Switzerland Horisen 228 48 0.05000
Switzerland Mitto AG 228 57 0.05000
United Kingdom-G-I-J EE Limited (Orange) 234 33 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J BT OnePhone Limited 234 08 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Telefonica UK (Virgin Media O2) 234 10 0.03350
United Kingdom-G-I-J LINK MOBILITY UK LTD 234 14 0.02500
United Kingdom-G-I-J VODAFONE LIMITED 234 15 0.01980
United Kingdom-G-I-J Cloud9 Mobile Communications Ltd 234 18 0.01980
Sweden Link Mobile Network 240 28 0.02900
Sweden Wireless Maingate 240 15 0.03900
Sweden InfoBip 240 32 0.02900
Yemen Sabafon2 421 99 0.13250
Oman Oman Future Telecom (Vodafone) 422 06 0.07200
Canada Aliant Telecom (Mobility) 302 702 0.01500
USA-Canada All CDMA Networks 310 00 0.00700
Canada Bell Mobility 302 610 0.01500
USA Cellco Partnership D 310 600 0.00700
USA Cricket Communicatio 310 16 0.00700
Canada Fido Solutions Inc 302 370 0.01500
Canada Globalive Wireless Mngmt 302 490 0.01500
USA MetroPCS 310 660 0.00700
USA New Cingular Wireless Pcs 310 410 0.00700
USA Nextel Communication 310 10 0.00700
Canada NorthernTel Limited Partnership 302 004 0.01500
Canada Northwestel Mobility Inc 302 05 0.01500
USA Powertel 310 270 0.00700
Canada Rogers 302 720 0.01500
Canada SaskTel Mobility 302 654 0.01500
USA Sprint Spectrum L.p 310 10 0.00700
USA T-mobile Usa 310 160 0.00700
Canada Telebec Limited Partnership 302 09 0.01500
Canada TELUS Mobility 302 653 0.01500
Canada TELUS Quebec 302 657 0.01500
Canada Thunder Bay Mobility 302 656 0.01500
USA Verizon Wireless 310 12 0.00700
USA Wireless Ventures (AT&T) 310 980 0.00700
Canada Rest 302 0 0.01500
USA Manx North American & Maritime Extension Service 310 55 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 160 0.00700
USA NewCore Wireless LLC 310 460 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 270 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 310 0.00700
USA NetGenuity 312 630 0.00700
USA Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc 310 880 0.00700
USA Airadigm Communications 310 640 0.00700
USA VeriSign Communications Services 310 520 0.00700
USA Bug Tussel 311 330 0.00700
USA AT&T 310 410 0.00700
USA NE Colorado Cellular Inc (Viaero) 310 450 0.00700
USA Commnet Wireless 311 040 0.00700
USA Limitless Mobile LLC 310 690 0.00700
USA Alaska Wireless Network LLC 311 370 0.00700
USA GreenFly LLC 311 680 0.00700
USA Globecomm Network Services Corp 311 890 0.00700
USA Indigo Wireless 311 030 0.00700
USA Choice Wireless LC 310 630 0.00700
USA iSmart Mobile 310 300 0.00700
USA Convey Wireless 310 740 0.00700
USA NewCore Wireless LLC 311 530 0.00700
USA Manx North American & Maritime Extension Service 310 72 0.00700
USA Smith Bagley dba CellularOne 310 320 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 490 0.00700
USA Sprint Corporation 310 120 0.00700
USA Telna Mobile 310 840 0.00700
USA Corr Wireless Communications 310 80 0.00700
USA Union Wireless 310 020 0.00700
USA Verizon Wireless 311 480 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 200 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 240 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 250 0.00700
USA T-Mobile USA Inc. 310 260 0.00700
USA C.T. Cube, LP d.b.a. West Central Wireless 310 180 0.00700
USA Verizon Wireless (Alltel) 310 590 0.00700
USA GigSky 312 870 0.00700
USA AT&T Mobility 310 090 0.00700
USA Northstar Technology LLC 310 011 0.00700
USA Voicestream GSM I LLC 310 023 0.00700
USA ETEX Communications L.P. dba ETEX Wireless 310 035 0.00700
USA New Cell Inc. dba CeLLCom 310 060 0.00700
USA Carolina West Wireless Inc 310 130 0.00700
USA Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Inc. 310 311 0.00700
USA Westlink Communications LLC 310 340 0.00700
USA Oklahoma Western Telephone Company 310 540 0.00700
USA MTPCS LLC 310 570 0.00700
USA Inland Cellular 310 580 0.00700
USA ASTAC Wireless LLC 310 710 0.00700
USA East Kentucky Netwrk LLC dba Appalachian Wireless 310 750 0.00700
USA Iowa Wireless Services Lp 310 770 0.00700
USA Five Star Wireless 310 860 0.00700
USA Poka Lambro PCS Inc. 310 940 0.00700
USA Globalstar USA Inc. 310 970 0.00700
USA Worldcall Interconnect Inc. 310 990 0.00700
USA PANHANDLE TELECommunications SYSTEMS INC. 311 450 0.00700
USA United States Cellular Corp. - Maine 311 580 0.00700
USA Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd. 311 00 0.00700
USA Chariton Valley Cellular 311 020 0.00700
USA Wilkes Cellular Inc. 311 050 0.00700
USA Pine Telephone Co. 311 080 0.00700
USA Flat Wireless LLC 311 090 0.00700
USA Nex-Tech Wireless LLC 311 100 0.00700
USA MBO Wireless 311 140 0.00700
USA Cellular South Inc 311 230 0.00700
USA Cordova Wireless Communications Inc 311 240 0.00700
USA Pinpoint Wireless Inc. 311 290 0.00700
USA New Mexico RSA 6-III Partnership dba Leaco Rural 311 310 0.00700
USA Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2-I Partnership 311 340 0.00700
USA Iowa RSA 2 Limited Partnership dba Chat Mobility 311 410 0.00700
USA Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership 311 420 0.00700
USA RSA 1 Limited Partnership dba Chat Mobility 311 430 0.00700
USA Standing Rock Telecommunications Inc. 311 640 0.00700
USA United Wireless Communications Inc. 311 650 0.00700
USA Pine Belt Cellular Inc. 311 670 0.00700
USA Telebeeper of New Mexico 311 690 0.00700
USA Proximiti Mobility Inc. 311 730 0.00700
USA TelAlaska Cellular Inc. 311 740 0.00700
USA Bluegrass Wireless LLC 311 810 0.00700
USA Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications 311 860 0.00700
USA SI WIRELESS LLC 311 910 0.00700
USA Syringa Wireless LLC 311 930 0.00700
USA VTEL WIRELESS INC 311 990 0.00700
USA Cross Wireless L.L.C 312 030 0.00700
USA Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc 312 040 0.00700
USA ASPENTA LLC 312 210 0.00700
USA Cellular Network Partnership 312 270 0.00700
USA Copper Valley Cellular Inc 312 380 0.00700
USA Buffalo-Lake Erie Wireless Systems Co. LLC 312 570 0.00700
USA Triangle Communication System Inc. 312 730 0.00700
USA Onvoy Spectrum LLC 312 850 0.00700
USA Sagebrush Cellular Inc. 312 600 0.00700
USA Eagle Telephone System Inc. 313 030 0.00700
USA NUCLA-Naturita Telephone Company 313 040 0.00700
USA Manti Tele Communications Company Inc. 313 050 0.00700
USA Midwest Network Solutions Hub LLC 313 070 0.00700
USA Optimera Inc. 313 380 0.00700
USA Southern Communications Services 316 011 0.00700
Canada Bell Mobility Inc. 302 610 0.01500
Canada Eastlink - Canada 302 270 0.01500
Canada Freedom Mobile 302 490 0.01500
Canada Ice Wireless 302 620 0.01500
Canada Rogers Communications Partnership 302 370 0.01500
Canada Rogers 302 320 0.01500
Canada SaskTel 302 750 0.01500
Canada TELUS Communications Inc. 302 220 0.01500
Canada Videotron General Partnership 302 500 0.01500
USA Rest 310 0 0.00700
US Virgin Islands ALL 310 260 0.00700
Palestine Jawwal Mobile 425 05 0.26300
Kuwait Virgin (stc Kuwait) 419 09 0.12500
South Africa Neotel 655 13 0.05000
South Africa Phoenix Quest 655 16 0.05000
South Africa Amatole Telecom (Easttel) 655 36 0.05000
South Africa Wireless Business Solutions (WBS/Rain) 655 38 0.05000
South Africa SMS Cellular Services 655 46 0.05000
South Africa Integrat 655 51 0.05000
South Africa Lyca Mobile SA (Pty) Ltd 655 53 0.05000
Nigeria Smile Communications Nigeria Ltd 621 27 0.12000