BroadNet SMS communication service is a user-friendly and most agreeable mode of communication. It is becoming an essential channel to target the customers
A short message service is a mode of communication that can be used via mobile phone and internet. There are many social media websites, text message websites, and messaging apps to utilise the service of sending and receiving messages. Due to the emerging use of mobile phones and social media, it has become one of the most used services across the globe. According to the research, people prefer to use SMS service to communicate as they find it very easy and convenient to use.
The Power of Short Message Service (SMS)

An SMS is a very powerful tool that can be used to send 160 characters. This little communication mode is very effective and used by any age group. It has some radiant powers that convince everyone to go for it.
- Maximum usability:Almost everyone in this world use a mobile phone that also increases the use of SMS service.
- Maximum readability:The sent message is likely to be read within minutes after sending.
- Most convenient:Sending and receiving a message does not require any internet connection. It is the most convenient mode of communication and can be used anytime without any restrictions.
Benefits of Short Message Service over other channels of communication

According to researchers, an SMS is read within three to four minutes after being sent. SMS is one of the fastest modes of communicating. It is essential as well as beneficial for any type of business to keep their customers informed and engaged. There are many benefits of using short message service.
- Direct and Instant deliverability :One of the biggest advantages of SMS is that it is delivered to customers as soon as it is sent. A message does not require an internet connection so it takes no time in reaching to the recipient’s inbox.
- Helps in Brand reinforcement: One of the most important qualities of using the message as a means of communication is that it keeps the customers engage in the communication by exchanging messages instantly. A customer can inquire about anything in fast way. This is the only fastest method of engaging customers and helps in boosting the brand value.
- Deliver event-triggered engagement:Event-triggered messages helps in engaging customers according to their interest and value. Such messages are sent by using a messaging tool to all the customers at once in relation to the event.
- Highly Cost effective: SMS marketing is absolutely cost efficient as it delivers an excellent return on investment. More reliable customers are added to the business by investing a small amount in SMS marketing. Thus, delivering the business a high return on investment.
- Solid Open rate: According to research, the opening rate of an SMS is massive. More than 95 percent of the messages are read and approximately 25% messages are read in an email. The opening rate of an SMS is merely beatable by any other channel of communication.
- Easy to set up: Any business can easily set up an SMS marketing campaign by installing a messaging tool. These tools are helpful in sending broadcast or personalised messages to a large number of customers in an effective way. The business can efficiently evaluate messaging performance right away that is in real time.
- Limited personal details required:SMS marketing is an absolutely secure method as customers wish to provide details according to them. Subscriber’s limited details do not affect the performance of SMS marketing.
- Increased customer engagement:Because of fast speed and instant delivery, communicating via SMS is helpful in engaging customers more often. Customers can exchange messages from the business for a faster response.
- Support and Integration with other channels:SMS is very effective and can easily fit with other methods of communication. If you are using any other channel you can also introduce SMS communication mode for faster results. For example, if a business is organizing an event for marketing and sending invitations by email then those invitations can also be sent via SMS for fast and assured delivery. Also, event’s feedback can be asked from SMS for the quick response.
Types of Communication Channels

There are following types of the communication channel and each channel is comprised of its very own features.
- Personal: In the personal channel, the communication is limited to the less number of people. It is a direct channel of communication that facilitates the interaction between the two people.
- Interpersonal: This channel enables communication between senders to a large number of receivers. Though personalization of the message is not performed in this channel it is possible to adjust the message according to the receiver. Radio and television are the interpersonal modes of communication.
- Interactive: Communication channel that enables a wide coverage is known as the interactive channel. Social media is an example.
Reasons that support SMS communication

Here are few questions that every business considers before choosing a channel of communication. The answers to these questions are enough reasons to support SMS as a channel of communication.
- Question: Where do you spend most of your time? Answer: Mobile phone
- Is the channel cost effective?
- Which channel is convenient for the target?
Since the target prefers mobile phone then business should consider SMS as the mode of communication as it is cost effective and most comfortable.
Why SMS is an effective communication channel?

SMS is an effective and efficient channel of communication. The reasons are:
- Cost: Communication via SMS is much cheaper than any other communication channel such as the internet, telephone, radio etc. Even a new business can bear the minimal charges of an SMS.
- Fast: It is one of the fastest modes that can deliver the message directly to the target in real time.
- Higher ROI: SMS gives the highest return on investment than other channels.
- Simple: Anyone can write a message and there is no need to attain perfection for using SMS.
- Worldwide presence: Because there is no need for internet in sending a message it can be used globally and on any type of mobile phone.
If you are searching for Bulk SMS Service provider then we [BroadNet Technologies] provides you best quality results at affordable price. Contact us at : []