SMS marketing can take your employee relationship to the next level with these 5 ways.

Many departments look at communication and their respective policies with an, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” approach. But savvy firms that want to grow and succeed realize that with improving technology, adapting methods like bulk SMS marketing might mean a world of difference in productivity and clarity. 

Here are five ways bulk SMS marketing will take your company’s communication to the next level.

Simple and Efficient Communication

Your employees already have their phones with them at all times – why not capitalize on that? SMSs are short by nature and take only a moment to open and read, meaning your missives are less likely to end up lost or ignored (like an email or flyer), but still have information employees can fall back on later for review (unlike a phone call or in-person meeting).

Faster Reception and Open Rates

Bulk SMS marketing messages are delivered in seconds, and 98% of them will also be read in seconds. You can get information out almost immediately to anyone in your company.

Communicating Without Interrupting

Unlike a phone call or scheduled meeting, text messaging requires little time and no specific time frame. Your employees can simply check the message at their convenience. With bulk SMS marketing, you aren’t trying to work around their schedule or asking them to interrupt it. This means the bulk of your communicating can be done without hassle.

Non-interruptive communication is especially valuable to higher administration with demanding schedules or new hires who may still be working another job during their transition period.

Engage Your Audience

Need a survey filled out? Want employees to review benefits details? Sending out a short text reminder with a shortened link (with mobile optimized content, naturally) is a simple way to get employees to supply you with the information you need.

You can track who has opened links and even send out additional reminders for those who aren’t participating. You can use Bulk SMS surveys to improve company culture, making sure that benefits, policies, and procedures are meeting the needs of your talent.

Provide Helpful Reminders

When you send out reminders that are sure to be seen, fewer employees will forget scheduled dates. Remind employees about training sessions, open enrollment periods, paperwork deadlines, meetings, and more. Timely reminders will help your business operate smoothly and keep you from wasting time on missed appointments or tracking down employees.

Bulk SMS marketing can be a great asset to the workplace when adopted perfectly.

Broadnet Technologies believes that as you integrate SMS, you will likely find that it is ideal for other use cases as well, like working with new talent during the hiring process, keeping in the loop at conferences, and more. 

You want employees who are empowered by communication – not burdened by it – and SMS is a great way to accomplish that.